Choose foods containing healthy fats.

Functional foods, which do you choose and why?


Since iodized salt to milk with added omega 3 through yogurt with lactobacilli, are increasingly modified products on offer from the advertising and supermarket shelves. Is that in the area of food, as in many others, the key word seems to be "innovation". These foods are called "functional" because they aim to improve certain bodily functions. What is your virtue ?, possess, besides the nutritional value for our health beneficial substances. But among many virtues and goodness, you'll wonder ... are they really healthy ?, keep their promises health or simply is a marketing strategy over?

Functional foods, which do you choose and why?

Several components have been detected, many people continue to be investigated and many others missing discover. While some of these substances are naturally present in food, others are intentionally added, constituting true market developments. Here we have what are the benefits of the most popular substances and which foods are:
  • Fiber. The benefits of dietary fiber found to improve gastrointestinal function, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and some cancers and lowers cholesterol and triglycerides. It is present in wheat bran and oats, whole grains (bread, pasta, crackers, rice), legumes (lentils, beans) fruit and vegetables.
  • Omega 3 is a type of fatty acid with the virtue of preventing cardiovascular disease, reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels and improve brain function. It is found in vegetable oils, fish, seeds and nuts and dairy products with added omega-3.
  • lactobacilli. These beneficial bacteria improve gastrointestinal function and strengthen the immune system. If you want to include in your diet can find them in fermented milk products.

There are only two requirements when choosing these foods to enjoy its benefits: usually consume and as part of a balanced diet. This will be preventing illness while covering their requirements.


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